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Free margarita at House of Tippler in East Dulwich

By Emma Hartley - Sun, 26th Nov 2017

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This is a first for us. In addition to our raison d'être of providing information about where London's late-opening bars, pubs, restaurants and clubs are, we just added our first offer to the app – and it's a good one. 

House of Tippler on Lordship Lane in East Dulwich will give you a free margarita and then 2-4-1 on the next round of drinks when you show them their venue page on 24hourlondon. The page has now got – brassy fanfare – buttons. Yay! The bar staff will hit the appropriate button – so we know you're out there – and then serve you your offer... 

24hourlondon will be following this up with some hyper-local marketing (or leafleting as it used to be known – but with 24hourlondon beermats) and are on the lookout for offer number two. 

House of Tippler also does fab ham croquettes, which are possibly the best beer snack in the world. If you think you know a better one you'll be treated with due scepticism but we will investigate... 

You could also let us know what you think of the app: we take criticism on the chin and are open to suggestions. In fact we'd love to hear from you because we're an early stage startup and are slightly needy like that.

* Nearest station to House of Tippler is East Dulwich overland and the bar is on the 40 and 176 bus routes.

we to talk about late nights!