1. 24hourlondon has two maps of what's open in London after 11pm: one map for everything and a separate map showing late-night food. If your hospitality venue is open until at least 1am at least twice a week we will add it to these for free. A steady stream of users arrive at 24hourlondon via Adwords because of this functionality.
2. We can put your business in touch with our 12k+ users by adding an offer to our all-day offers map. This means our users will receive a ping about your offer when they pass within 200m of your venue, so why not make it something that would make YOU walk into your bar or restaurant – or would return later to do so? This is a paid-for service and our rates currently start at £50 a month per venue including VAT.
3. We can also
Call Emma on 07909 965648 or email her at emma@24hourlondon.co.uk to talk about working together.
Or get in touch, we to talk about late nights!